Movie-Struck Girls:  Women and Motion Picture Culture after the Nickelodeon

Movie-Struck Girls examines women’s films and filmgoing in the 1910s, a period when female patronage was energetically courted by the industry for the first time. By looking closely at how women were invited to participate in movie culture, the films they were offered, and the visual pleasures they enjoyed, Shelley Stamp demonstrates that women significantly complicated cinemagoing throughout this formative, transitional era. Growing female patronage and increased emphasis on women’s subject matter did not necessarily bolster cinema’s cultural legitimacy, as many in the industry had hoped, for women were not always enticed to the cinema by dignified, uplifting material, and once there, they were not always seamlessly integrated in the social space of theaters, nor the new optical pleasures of film viewing. In fact, Stamp argues that much about women’s films and filmgoing in the post-nickelodeon years challenged, rather than served, the industry’s drive for greater respectability.


  • Finalist, Theater Library Association Book Award

  • A Choice Outstanding Academic Title

Princeton University Press, 2000


Lois Weber in Early Hollywood